Claire Ariglio
How I got here:
“Growing up with two accountants as parents, I always knew I wanted a career in finance. When I graduated from Elmira College, I worked in operations and support for an investment firm. As my love for the industry grew, I wanted to find a place where I could professionally grow as well. Working as an advisor at Rockbridge has allowed me to blend my love of people and finance; I can organize the financial lives of our clients while always putting their best interest first.”
Favorite part of the job:
“I love working with people, and helping them make sense of their financial situation. A person’s wealth is one of the most integral parts of their life, but it can also be one of the most complex. Being able to simplify a person’s finances and ease some of their worry is truly a rewarding experience.”
Economics (B.S.) and Business Administration (B.S.) from Elmira College
Candidate for CFP® certification
Beneath the surface:
Claire lives in Clay with her two cats, Khan and Neo. Outside the office, Claire is an avid reader who is the founder of an ever-growing book club. Claire also loves all things theater, and can be found acting, singing, and dancing anywhere that will have her. As Rockbridge’s resident foodie, she also has an undying passion for food of all kinds, and is consistently called upon to order for the group. (A responsibility she never minds.) When she’s not singing or checking out a new restaurant, you’ll find her reading, organizing various events for her book club and grinding the local trivia circuit.
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